A. Definitions of mental health
Definitions of mental health and illness are closely tied to the major values and institutions of society. Mental health is a term used to describe either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder. From perspectives of the discipline of positive psychology or holism mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life and procure a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.
• As a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO).
• A mind that grows and adjust, is in control and is free of serious stress (Rosdahl, Textbook of Basic Nursing, 1999:58).
• Refers to an adaptation to distress by mobilizing internal and external resources to minimize tension (Antai Otong, Psychiatric Nursing Biological and Behavioral Concept).
• The capacity of individuals within the groups and environment to interact with one another in ways that promote subjective well-being, optimal development and use mental abilities (cognitive, affective, and relational) and achievement of individual and collective goals consistens with justice ( Australian Health Minister, Mental Health Nursing Practice, 1996: 25)
• Holism considers the entire person and not merely the mind or the body.
B. Mental health criteria
1. Possitive attitude
2. Growth and development, self actualization
3. Integration
4. Otonomy
5. Reality Perceptions
6. Environmental mastery
C. The distance of mental health
1. Dynamic not static
2. Begin from optimal health to the dying
3. Having a stage
4. Having an individuals variations
5. Descriptions from adaptation of ability
6. Effective functions : health
D. Definitions of psychiatric nursing-mental health nursing
Psychiatric nursing is the speciality of nursing that cares for people of all ages with mental illness or mental distress, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression or dementia. Nurses in this area receive additional training in psychological therapies, building a therapeutic alliance, dealing with challenging behavior, and the administration of psychiatric medication. Defined as a specialized area of nursing practice employing theories of human behavior as its scientific aspect and the therapeutic use of self as its art.
• Care of clients with deviations in mental health, however provides a challenging opportunity for nurses to use these ability fully, must be emotionally available, able to listen, non punishing, supportive, understanding, and encouraging ( Caroline, Basic Nursing, 1999).
• The primary role of mental health nurses is to meet the needs of consumer, and that do this effectively involves taking in emphatic and critical stance on mental health policy and mental health care ( Clinton and Nelson, Mental Health Nursing Practice, 1996: 1).
• Psychiatric nursing is an interpersonal process that promotes and maintains behaviours that contribute to integrated functioning. The patient may be an individual, family, group, organization, or community. The three domains of psychiatric nursing practice are direct care, communication and management ( Stuart Sundeens’s and Laraia, Psychiatric Nursing, 1998: 15).
E. The principles of psychiatric nursing-mental health nursing
1. Roles and functions of psychiatric nurse : competent care
2. Therapeutic nurse patient relationship
3. Conceptual models of pshyciatric nursing
4. Stress adaptation model of psychiatric nursing
5. Biological context of psychiatric nursing care
6. Psychological context of psychiatric nursing care
7. Sociocultural context of psychiatric nursing care
8. Environmental context of psychiatric nursing care
9. Legal ethical context of psychiatric nursing care
10. Implementing the nursing process: standards of care
11. Actualizing the psychiatric nursing role : professional performance standards
F. Expansion psychiatric nursing-mental health nursing
Evolving functions
• 1958 : dealing with patient problem of attitude, mood, and interpretation of reality, exploring disturbing and conflicting thought and feelings, using the patient positive feelings, bring psychophysiological homeostatis, counseling in emergencies, including panic and fear, strengthening the well part of patients
• 1960 : primary prevention, implementing and consultation in community, multidisciplinary treatment, change : to psychiatric and mental health
• 1970 : speciality nursing practice
G. Conceptual models of psychiatric nursing
1. Psychoanalysis ( Sigmund Freud )
Sigmund Freud introduced some revolutionary concepts which have had worldwide influence on the understanding of human behavior. Freud considered the primary motivation for behavior to be anxiety. Has two major parts : aspects of consciousness and aspects of personality.
a. Conscious-unconscious-preconscious
The conscious includes all the elements that are easily remembered. The things that are a little difficult to remember but can be recalled with help are considered preconscious. Unconscious materials are those thoughts, feelings, actions, experiences, and dreams that are not remembered, very difficult to bring into consciousness, and not recognized if one is told of them.
b. Id-Ego-Superego
The id includes the instinctual forces and is primarily unconscious. The ego appraises the environment, assesses reality, stays in touch with bodily and environmental changes, and directs the motor activity of the body. The superego contains the rigid, absolute rules that direct a persons thoughts, feelings and actions.
2. Interpersonal (Harry Stack Sullivan )
Assumed that mental disorders result from inadequate communication with others.
3. Behavior ( Joseph Wolpe )
That all behavior has meaning and that problems are manifested behaviorally.
Bostrom, dkk. 1995. Psychiatric Nursing 2nd Edition. St.Louis Missouri : Mosby-year book,inc.
Otong,Deborah antai. 1995. Psychiatric Nursing : Biological and Behavioral Concepts. Philadelphia Pennsylvania : W.B Saunders Company.
Stuart & Sundeen. 1995. Principles & Practice Of Psychiatric Nursing 5th Edition. St.Louis Missouri : Mosby-year book,inc.
Yosep,Iyus S.Kp.,M.Si. 2009. Keperawatan Jiwa. Bandung : Refika aditama.
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